Love Boldly Think for a moment about who has had a lasting influence on your life or your generation. What was it about them that left a mark on your...
Enjoy Jesus What do you think it looks like to truly enjoy your relationship with Jesus? Maybe this question sounds frivolous. Many of us want to get...
Growing the family of God Do you have a vision for your life? As we grow as a church family, we’ve been seeking God for His continued vision. What does He have for...
How to observe Advent We all have habits and rhythms in our lives. The question is, do these habits and rhythms draw us in to what matters most or distract us...
How do we change How do we change? The majority of voices suggest that the onus of change is on us. The Bible has a radically different approach: Real...
Guided by love Guided by Love :: Some thoughts on the election CCC Family, I’m not a politician. I am a pastor and a follower of Jesus. Like many across...
Thoughts on Orlando tragedy Dear CCC Family, 30 minutes before church started on Sunday, I found out about the shooting in Orlando. I made the decision to not to bring...
Women’s retreat recap By Mackenzie Byersdorf Just over a week ago, twenty women from our church community spent the weekend at a beautiful Swiss Chalet in Cle...
You are the light of Seattle (On Monday April 4th we will launch our annual ALPHA course in partnership with UGM and Sederis Church. Alpha is an opportunity to share...