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In this series we are studying the Apostle Paul’s letter to the churches in Galatia. In this letter Paul confronts false teaching that had crept into the church and compromised both his apostleship and the message of the gospel. The gospel is the truth that salvation and justification are through grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. And this is open to both Jew and Gentile. The temptation to add or subtract to the gospel are alive and well today. How might we keep the main thing the main thing, and what difference would it make? This question and more will be explored in this series.
GalatiansBuilding in a Broken World
It's easy to tear down, it's difficult to build. In this series we are walking through the book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah is a book about leadership, prayer, overcoming the odds, and most of all God’s faithfulness to his people. We often find ourselves, others, and our world in a state of needing restoration. How might we join God in a similar way in our day to see His healing and restoration come?
NehemiahLast Words
The 7 last words of Christ on the cross are some of his most powerful and poignant words. They give us insight into the meaning of the cross and the implications thereof. This lenten season we will examine each of these words and discover for ourselves what it looks like to take hold of all that Jesus accomplished for us through his death.
Last WordsVision Series
Who are we? Why do we exist? What is God’s purpose for us in Seattle? What is the church? These are first order questions that we are seeking to answer in our first series of 2024: “For The Glory”. In this series we will be looking at our vision and values as a community by unpacking our vision statement as well as looking at key passages throughout the book of Ephesians. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians paints a glorious picture of what it means to be the church and the implications thereof. Join us as we seek to line up our dreams with the bigger dreams of God. We don’t go to church, we are the church.
Vision SeriesReclaiming Wonder
Advent is a time where Christian's all over the world ponder and prepare for the coming of Jesus. Jesus has come, will come again, and comes to us today by the Holy Spirit. Advent is a time to listen to the deeper longings of our soul, and not numb them. It's a time to invite the light of Christ to shine in the darkest places of our lives and world. It's also a time to stop domesticating Jesus, by setting aside our assumptions and getting real with God. Join us as we reclaim all that Jesus came to bring.
Reclaiming WonderJAMES: Faith Works
The book of James is one of the most beloved and practical books in the New Testament. This letter seeks to apply the gospel to every area of our lives. Following Jesus is not only true, but it works! Not only that, James helps believers understand the healthy relationship between faith and action, belief and bearing fruit. In a world full of talk, James calls the church to action. Join us as we are challenged and encouraged to let Jesus be Lord of all areas of our life and experience HIs life changing power.
Faith WorksSummer of Psalms 5
The Psalms are the oldest collection of poems in the world. They span thousands of years of history, and yet are just as relevant today as they ever were. Why are the Psalms important? Why are they important today? What purpose do they have in the Christian life? This summer we continue to explore these priceless and divinely inspired poems and songs in hopes that they will capture our imaginations and hearts and move us toward more Godly and fruitful living.
Summer of Psalms 5The Holy Spirit
Who is the Holy Spirit and what does He do? For many Christian's, God the Father and God the Son are more well known than God the Holy Spirit. This series seeks to explore the person and work of the Holy Spirit throughout the scriptures. The goal of this series is to not only learn about the Holy Spirit, but to experience His power and presence in new ways in our lives, our church, and our world.
The Holy SpiritI AM
Lent is a time where we turn away from the things that do not lead to life, to make more room for Jesus. In this series we explore the 7 'I AM' statements found in the gospel of John. Many people have opinions about Jesus, but the more important question is who does Jesus say he is? These statements speak powerfully into our lives, as to who Jesus is, why he came, and how he wants to work in our lives today.
I AMThe Beautiful Life
What constitutes a truly blessed life? What does a life of true flourishing look like? In this series we consider some of the most well known and powerful words Jesus ever spoke known as The Beatitudes. These 8 blessings are Jesus' guide to true happiness and flourishing. And yet, they are so counter-cultural to what our world and society often put forth. Join us as we discover the radical way of Jesus and how life with him results in a beautiful life.
In this series we unpack Paul's letter to the Colossians. This letter is unique in that Paul did not plant the church at Colossae, nor do we have record of him visiting the church, and yet through his son in the faith Epaphras he has a great affinity for the believers there. The theme of this book is the supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ. Paul is reminding the believers to stay true to the true Jesus as they face the pressure of false teaching that diminishes Christ and His work in their lives. What does it look like for us today to live under the supremacy of Christ in all areas of our lives? How do we not get pulled away into any falsehood that would diminish who Jesus is? In this series we will answer these questions and more.
ColossiansSummer of Psalms 4
The Psalms are the oldest collection of poems in the world. They span thousands of years of history, and yet are just as relevant today as they ever were. Why are the Psalms important? Why are they important today? What purpose do they have in the Christian life? This summer we continue to explore these priceless and divinely inspired poems and songs in hopes that they will capture our imaginations and hearts and move us toward more Godly and fruitful living.
Summer of Psalms 4Wisdom Calls
We live in a world full of information and knowledge. What is often lacking is wisdom. Wisdom is the hard-earned skill of living life well. Wisdom is a gift for all those who follow Christ and look to God for guidance and insight. When the answers in life are not easy, wisdom can be applied. Where do you need wisdom in your life? The book of Proverbs gives God’s wisdom for all of life. We expect this series to answer our questions on a deeper level and enable us to live Godly lives in the midst of a confusing and often chaotic world.
ProverbsFORMATION: Timeless practices for the modern world.
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." (Romans 12:2)Everyone is being formed by someone or something. The question is, are we being formed into the image of Christ or into the image of the world? This series explores the classic spiritual disciplines and how participating in these practices leads to life transformation and spiritual renewal.
FORMATIONAdvent 2021: God With Us
The gift of Christmas, is the gift of God with Us. This is why Jesus came into this world. What difference does it make? This series explores the traditional Advent themes of hope, peace, joy, love, and faith.
Advent 2021: God With UsGospel of Mark: King & Kingdom
Jesus changes everything! This is the message of the Gospel of Mark, and this message is good news. What does it mean to believe and live into this good news today? What does it mean to share this good news today in both word & deed? In this series we will go on a journey through the oldest and arguably most exciting of Gospels in the New Testament, the Gospel of Mark.
King & KingdomSummer of Psalms 3
The Psalms are the oldest collection of poems in the world. They span thousands of years of history, and yet are just as relevant today as they ever were. Why are the Psalms important? Why are they important today? What purpose do they have in the Christian life? This summer we continue to explore these priceless and divinely inspired poems and songs in hopes that they will capture our imaginations and hearts and move us toward more Godly and fruitful living.
Summer of Psalms 3Ephesians
The book of Ephesians is one of the most inspiring books of the New Testament. It speaks of the glories of the gospel as well as the implications of the gospel for all of life. The hope for this series is that this book would inspire us as believers to know our identity in Christ and boldly live out that identity in a lost and dying world. To trade a life of fear for a life of faith. We hope these sermons are a blessing to you.
Isaiah 9:6 “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” What are you trying to get MORE of that you’ve already been given ALL of in Christ? Advent is all about longings. It’s a time not to do more, consume more, accumulate more, but it’s a time to do less, and to reflect on our longings. The hope of Advent is that our longings are both validated and satisfied both now and in the future by the greatest gift of all, the gift of God’s Son, Emmanuel, God with Us. Who is this son that has already been GIVEN to us?
GivenWake Up : The Parables of Jesus
It is said of Napoleon Bonaparte that upon looking at a map of the world, he pointed his finger to China and said: “China is a sleeping giant. Let her sleep, for when she wakes, she will move the world.” It's not far fetched to think the same could be said of the church today. What would happen if the church truly woke up? The parables of Jesus are among the most well-known and influential stories in the world. But these stories are significant because their primary objective was to wake people up to the Kingdom of God. This series explores these powerful stories in hopes that they may fulfill their original intent today, to wake up God's people to the amazing privileges and mission of God's Kingdom.
Wake UpVision 2020: What do you see?
What is Jesus' vision for his church? This message unpacks the inception of Jesus sending mission to his first disciples and serves as a reminder of our mission as the church today (Mt. 9:35-10:4). This messages was also given on the 5 year anniversary of CCC, celebrating the past and casting vision for the future.
What do you see?Summer of Psalms 2
The Psalms are the oldest collection of poems in the world. They span thousands of years of history, and yet are just as relevant today as they ever were. Why are the Psalms important? Why are they important today? What purpose do they have in the Christian life? This summer we continue to explore these priceless and divinely inspired poems and songs in hopes that they will capture our imaginations and hearts and move us toward more Godly and fruitful living.
Summer of Psalms 2What difference does the gospel make in every day life? The book of Romans is perhaps the most comprehensive picture of the gospel in the entire New Testament. In Chapters 1-4 Paul shows that all humanity, Jew or Gentile, needs a savior, and Jesus Christ is that savior. Chapters 5-8 answer the question, now what? In light of a believers new standing before God and new life by the Holy Spirit, what difference should it make? This series walks through these chapters to remind us of who we are in Christ and challenge us to live into the new life we have been given.
5-8: Living The Gospel LifeEaster 2019 Message - The resurrection of Jesus changes everything. How so? This sermon unpacks a well known event in Luke 24, when the risen Jesus encounters two disciples walking on the road to Emmaus. By the end of their time together, Jesus transforms their sadness and disappointment into faith in his resurrection. These disciples joined the other disciples and went on to be used of God to turn the world upside down. How does the resurrection of Jesus change everything for us today?
Jesus Changes EverythingIf you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why? What questions would you ask? What if you could have dinner with Jesus? What would you ask him? What would you want to know? This series explorers John chapters 13-17, the final meal and moments of Jesus' life before he goes to the cross. During this meal Jesus is preparing his disciples for what he is about to do. Through the scriptures we are invited to join the disciples and Jesus on this momentous night and rediscover who Jesus is and what he truly accomplished through his death and resurrection.
Dinner With JesusRuth is one of the smallest books in the Bible, but it has so much to teach us. It’s a story about human love and redemption, as well as the greater love and redemption of God. Redemption is the promise of God to deliver us from the power and presence of sin and brokenness. The redemption we see in Ruth points to the greater redemption of Jesus. Throughout this series, we are asking the question, what does it look like to love well, and experience God's power and grace in the place it matters most, our relationships with others.
RuthAdvent is a time where Christian's all over the world ponder and prepare for the coming of Jesus. Jesus has come, will come again, and comes to us today by the Holy Spirit. Advent is a time to listen to the deeper longings of our soul, and not numb them. It's a time to invite the light of Christ to shine in the darkest places of our lives and world. It's also a time to stop domesticating Jesus, by setting aside our assumptions and getting real with God. The prologue to John's gospel is one of the best texts to help us do that. In it we see both the transcendence and the immanence of Jesus. This series invites us to set aside our assumptions of Jesus and let him shine in a whole new way in our lives.
The Light Has ComeWhat is Christianity? What is the church? What is the message of the church? It could be argued that the there is more confusion around these questions today than ever in recent history. Both outside and inside the church there is confusion. People are making a lot of assumptions about what the church is and turning their backs on it, even people inside the church are turning away. The book of Acts was first written to bring clarity in a confusing time. In this series we will go back to the source to truly discover what it means to be the church as well as how we live that out in the 21st century and the city we live in. This series will both challenge and excite us to be the church and to recover what Jesus has meant for us all along.
The Church MultipliesThe Psalms are the oldest collection of poems in the world. They span thousands of years of history, and yet are just as relevant today as they ever were. Why are the Psalms important? Why are they important today? What purpose do they have in the Christian life? This summer we will explore these priceless and divinely inspired poems and songs in hopes that they will capture our imaginations and hearts and move us toward more Godly and fruitful living.
Summer of PsalmsWhat is Christianity? What is the church? What is the message of the church? It could be argued that the there is more confusion around these questions today than ever in recent history. Both outside and inside the church there is confusion. People are making a lot of assumptions about what the church is and turning their backs on it, even people inside the church are turning away. The book of Acts was first written to bring clarity in a confusing time. In this series we will go back to the source to truly discover what it means to be the church as well as how we live that out in the 21st century and the city we live in. This series will both challenge and excite us to be the church and to recover what Jesus has meant for us all along.
The Church BeginsThe resurrection of Jesus is the most dramatic and world changing event in history. Why did Jesus go to the cross and on the third day rise from the dead? Why does it matter? This message explorers the Jesus' death and resurrection from his own perspective. The answer might surprise you!
Easter 2018The Orthodox tradition describes the season of Lent as a "bright sadness". The early church Father's saw this time as an antimony, meaning something that defies normal logic. This is a good starting place when embarking on a study of the cross of Christ. In 1 Corinthians 1:18, Paul said that "the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God". This series is a meditative series on the cross for the season of Lent. The goal of the series is to enter into the sorrow and sufferings of Jesus as well as our own sorrow and sufferings, so that we too may also share in the crosses glory and joy. Lent is a time of deep reflection, honesty, and even suffering, but it is also bright. Join us as we walk the path of our Savior, to his cross, and all the way to his glorious resurrection come Easter.
A Bright SadnessWho are we? Why do we exist? What is God's purpose for us in Seattle? These are first order questions that we are seeking to answer in this new series "For The Glory". In this series we will be looking at our vision and values as a community by unpacking our vision statement as well as looking at key passages throughout the book of Ephesians. Paul's letter to the Ephesians paints a glorious picture of what it means to be the people of God and the implications thereof. Join us as we seek to line up our dreams with the bigger dreams of God.
For The Glory (Vision & Values)What difference would it make if you truly lived your life with an eternal perspective? When Jesus first came, he brought the Kingdom of heaven to earth, in his birth, life, death and resurrection. He comes to believers today through the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, he has promised to come again to make all things new. Advent is a time to consider the coming of Jesus, past, present and future, and the implications of Heaven and eternity opened up to the lives of believers. It's a time to pause and reflect on what matters most in life. It's even a time to get honest about the deep longings people have that continue to be unsatisfied. The prayer of advent is simple: "Come, Lord Jesus". This series explores the implications of anticipating Christ's return while celebrating the anniversary of his first coming to the Earth.
All Things NewIn John 10:10 Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Irenaeus the 2nd century early church father said, "The glory of God is man fully alive.” What does it mean to live a life, full alive? One of the simplest ways to answer this question, is that it looks like the fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-23. This series is not a self-help series, it's a Spirit-empowered series. Join us as we explore the the fruits of the Spirit and embark on a journey of living fully into the life Jesus offers us.
Fully Alive (Fruit of the Spirit)The Bible is ultimately a story about God and what he has done. The book of Genesis is the beginning of that story. In this series we will discover that God’s plan of redemption through Jesus began in the very beginning of the Bible and continues on to us today. One of the original purposes of Genesis was to remind the Israelite people of their roots and reinforce their purpose in the world. Being a relatively young church in the city, we are hoping that this book will do the same for us today -- give us roots and remind us of the big picture of God's plan in the world and how we fit into it. God's story is our story.
GenesisThe greatest surprise the world has ever received is the gift of God's son. This is why the Christmas story is full of awe, fear, wonder, joy, and many other raw and beautiful emotions. The season of advent is all about tapping in to the waiting and longing for this gift. Without the waiting, it is hard to understand the coming of the Messiah. In a culture that doesn't like to wait for much of anything, advent is needed more than ever. The surprise of Christmas is that God meets us in these places of longing and hopelessness that we would otherwise want to ignore. The places where a savior is needed. Thankfully, a savior has been born! As we sit a little longer in the tension of our own brokenness and longings, we are praying for God to surprise us once again.
God is in the Manger (Advent 2016)Would you like to learn how to pray? Would you like to grow in your understanding and experience of prayer? The good news is that Jesus believes that we can and will pray, and he is willing to help us learn. The disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. In response, he gave them the Lord's prayer. This prayer is packed with meaning, and teaches us a lot about what Christian prayer is and how through it God can dramatically change our lives. Join us as we enroll in the school of Jesus on prayer.
How to Pray (The Lord's Prayer)The closest thing to a "manifesto" that we have from Jesus as to what he wanted his followers to be and to do is his Sermon on the Mount. What does it really mean to be a Christian? What marks the Christian, Christ-following life?
Sermon on the MountOn the final night of Jesus life, perhaps the most sorrow filled night of his life, he said this to his disciples: "These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full!" (John 15:11) GK Chesterton also wrote in his book Orthodoxy, "Joy is the gigantic secret of the Christian". According to Jesus, the joy we all want is already promised to us in abundance as followers of Christ. The question is, how do we tap into it? Live into it? Philippians will help us do that, written by a joy-filled apostle Paul, to a joy-giving church community. Our hope is that as followers of Christ, we too will discover for ourselves the gigantic secret of Joy in Christ.
PhilippiansCentral to all four gospels are the events of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. The primary reason for this is because these events were central to Jesus himself. Why did Jesus die? What are the implications? In 1 Corinthians 1:18 the Apostle Paul articulates the influence the cross has on our lives: "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." Why is the message of the cross the power of God for those who are being saved? Why might it be foolish to those who are perishing? Join us as we look at the heart and soul of Jesus life; the gospel message discovered in the cross.
John Part 6
A person's last words are often their most important words. Chapters 13-17 of John are Jesus' last words and prayers to his disciples, occurring on the last night of his life. For centuries, follower's of Jesus have cherished these words. They shape who we are as a community and how we carry out his mission in the world. In essence, words and prayers shape and define the church. Unfortunately, the church often becomes many things other than what Jesus had in mind, and is always in need of reform. Our hope is that this section of scripture will reform us all to a greater understanding of Jesus and his plan for us, the church.
We are all in search of a good life. Unfortunately, we often look for it in all the wrong places. In John 10:10 Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." Many times we find that our own pursuits of a good life leave us tired, hurt, stolen from, and more lonely than ever. How is it that Jesus can make such a bold claim? Is it true that he can give us the life we are looking for deep down? Join us as we explore these questions.
John Part 4One of the ways the Christian life is described in the bible is that of a good fight. Paul encouraged Timothy: "Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses." (1 Tim. 6:12) Faith is worth it, but not always easy. We face numerous barriers to our faith, some from within, some from without. This next section of John reveals the various reasons why belief in Jesus was difficult for many in the 1st century. We learn a lot about human nature--our propensity to project our own man-made religions on to Jesus. We also learn that Jesus, in spite of us, continues to break down barriers so we can come to him for eternal life.
John Part 3