You are the light of Seattle

(On Monday April 4th we will launch our annual ALPHA course in partnership with UGM and Sederis Church. Alpha is an opportunity to share the love of Jesus with people in our city. Over a series of 8 sessions, we will discuss the basics of the Christian faith. Each session involves a main talk, and a time for people to say what they think. It’s fun, relaxed, and free, and people can ask anything they like. Best of all, it’s all done over a meal. It is a great place for people who are exploring faith for the first time, or coming back to faith. Most of all, it’s a perfect opportunity to invite friends and family into a meaningful discussion about Jesus and life, no matter where they are in their spiritual journey. Why do we do ALPHA? In this article I hope to answer that question.)

“When the Christian does not share his spiritual life with others, he not only denies his Lord, he denies his own life.” E Stanley Jones (20th-century missionary to India)

These are strong words from E Stanley Jones, but they are true and necessary to awaken us to one of our primary purposes in the world today. Jesus put it plainly: “You are the light of the world.” Notice, Jesus didn’t say, ‘you should be’, or ‘you could be’, or ‘you might be’…but ‘you are’! As Christians, Christ (the Light of the World) has made us alive and put his light in us. We now have the privilege of sharing Christ with the world around us. This title and calling is a gift, it is nothing we have earned or achieved, it is simply who Jesus has made us to be. The problem is, we often lose sight of our identity as such. This shouldn’t be.

How do we live out this calling of being the light of the world? How do we not just agree with Jesus’ statement? And how do we live it out together, not in isolation? Let’s consider the metaphor. What does light do? Three things:

Light Shines

Light is unashamed. It shines wherever it is allowed to shine. Not only is it unashamed, it does not discriminate. It shines on anything and everything it can. As Christian’s we should never be ashamed of sharing Jesus with people in our city. We should also never be selective. His grace is offered to all. Not being ashamed does not mean we are rude, unloving, or even lacking tact. And though this light is full of love and truth, it may mean, like Jesus, that we will have to take some risks and even face rejection at times. And yet, like light, we can’t help but shine, this is who we are. After all, if we are not shining, who will?

Light Helps

Light is helpful. Light serves all of life. Without it, how could we do much of anything? Light helps us know where we are and know where we need to go. We don’t so much notice light, as much as light helps us notice everything else. This is why light in the bible is often associated with truth. Truth is the same way, it is not an end in and of itself, but a means to an end. Truth is not our goal, but truth leads us to the goal: Jesus Christ. As Christians we are truth tellers, and truth revealers. We share the truth of the gospel, not to be ‘right’, but to help people see where they are at, and where they need to go. If we aren’t willing to help people in our city find Jesus, who will?

Light Awakens

Every day, 365 days a year, light wakes up the world. It wakes up the birds and the babies. It brings color, and warmth, and energy. Light awakens the earth. Our city needs to be awakened. Many people are lonely, in a funk, spiritually blind and dead, and scraping to find something that will make them feel truly alive. Jesus came to heal and awaken the human soul to it’s created purpose. He died for us, to forgive us, and truly wake us up. As Christian’s, we carry this awakening light in our hearts and in our lives. The power of Jesus is now within us, to shine, and awaken the world to God. If we are not offering the awakening life of Jesus to our city, who will?

So this is who we are as a community, because Jesus has made us this way. We are the light of the world. This is why God has us in Seattle. The question is, are we shining? Are we taking the risk to share Christ? Are we inviting people into a conversation about Jesus? Or are we denying who we are? Is there anyone you know who could use an invitation into a deeper conversation than the Seahawks or Sounders?

I think for most of us, we might feel like the Apostle Peter as Jesus was on his way to the cross. Peter was ashamed and he denied that he knew Jesus before others. But here is the good news. Jesus wasn’t done with Peter, and he is not done with us. The same Holy Spirit that filled Peter on the day of Pentecost and made him courageous and bold, and loving, and sacrificial, is the same Holy Spirit that fills you and I. Jesus does not give up on us, I think he wants to help us shine, to be excited together of who we are in him, and proud to share the beauty of the gospel to a desperate and hurting world. After all, if the light of the world doesn’t shine, who will? A lot is at stake…let’s be who we are meant to be!

“You are the Light of the World!” – Jesus