The Bear & The Butterfly: Public Conversations That Matter

November 10, 2019 6:30 - 8:30pm  |  Swedish Club

Swedish Club, Dexter Avenue North, Seattle, WA, USA

Topic: Can science and faith actually work together to establish better bio-ethical norms? Can we navigate the historic tensions between science and faith to find a better way forward for all humanity?

Professor, Bioethicist, and Pediatrician, Dr. Tyler Tate (MD, MA) leads this public conversation alongside Pastor and Consider Project founder, David Evanger (MDiv, MPAcc) to find the life-giving intersection of Science, Religion, and Ethics.

What is B&B? We live in a historic moment of highly educated and astute thinkers, yet there remains many beautifully elusive ideas that the strongest minds still struggle to grasp. At The Bear & The Butterfly Forums we highlight one such idea and openly grapple with it from perspectives of science, philosophy, and faith. Then we open it up for the audeince to respond and interact.

More on Dr. Tate: In conjunction with his Fellowship in Clinical Ethics at University of Washington/Seattle Children’s Treuman Katz Center and his fellowship in Hospice and Palliative Medicine at Duke University, Dr. Tate has spoken and written extensively on the subject of bio-ethics.

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