CCC Kid’s 5.31.20
Hey Families! Here is this weeks worship guide for helping your kids have their own learning time during the message portion of our online services. This guide includes how to prep before the service goes live as well as all the links to download activity sheets and watch this weeks video put on by our very own teachers! You can also choose to watch this video with your kids at a different time and discuss. Some families have found this to work better. We hope this is a blessing to you as we continue to navigate how to best serve our families in this way!
Before service begins:
- Have a designated area for your child to participate in Children’s Church.
- Open up the Children’s Church Video on a second screen (laptop, i-pad, phone, etc.).
- Print out activity pages (below) for each child according to age and have craft supplies available (crayons, markers, colored pencils, etc.)
- Jesus’ Baptism Preschool Activity page
- Jesus’ Baptism K-2nd Activity page
- Jesus’ Baptism 3rd-5th Activity page
- Kids Sermon Notes (For watching adult sermon)
At the start of service:
- Have your children with you at the start of service to participate in worship.
- During the greeting time, get your children situation in designated area and press play on Children’s Church video.
- Remind them that this is a time for sitting and listening.
- Instruct children to quietly begin working on the activity page once the video has ended.
At the end of service:
- Engage your children about what they learned in Children’s Church.
- Use questions on the activity page to help foster discussion.
- Ask your children who did the “family check-in” today.
- Close out “church” with praying together as a family, specifically lifting up the family from the “family check-in”.