CCC kids update

Note from the Director

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14

Our kid’s ministry is a constant blessing and encouragement. We have an incredible group of teachers that devote their time to serving our little ones. The kids in our classes continue to amaze me in their insightfulness, complete trust in God, cheerful attitudes, and hilarious questions. Every Sunday, I see kids run to the classroom, eager to see their friends and their favorite toys. We have developed a wonderful community of Jesus followers in our two little classrooms. Thank you to everyone who is involved in our ministry and for the encouragement. It is a joy to serve and encourage kids to seek the Lord with their lives. Please note a few exciting updates to the kid’s ministry by reading below:

-Lorien Rowland, CCC Kid’s Ministry Director


Our preschool class will have the great opportunity to learn about giving each week. We are partnering with WIND Ministries to support the school feeding program at Colegio Horeb in Guatemala. I am excited to share this ministry with the preschool class and pray that they will develop empathy, learning that they can make a difference in the lives of others, even on the other side of the world. We will have pictures of the kids in the feeding program so they can visualize how their money will be used. Each week during class, kids will have the chance to add their money to our offering jar and watch it grow before sending our offering to Guatemala. You can find out more information about WIND at


Since December, the kids have been learning about the story of Jesus in our lessons. We began with the miracle of Jesus’ birth and the bible verse “God loved us and sent his Son” 1 John 4:10. Our second unit focused on the miracles of Jesus, learning that Jesus loves and helps us. We practiced the verse “I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever” Psalm 89:1. Our last unit for the winter curriculum introduces the parables that Jesus told his followers and the verse “Be kind to everyone” 2 Timothy 2:24.

Classroom Changes

As we grow and change, we are figuring out the best way to meet the kids at their level. We have decided that the upstairs classroom will be a toddler room for our youngest kids up to age 2½ and the downstairs preschool will be 2½ and older. This way the lessons and activities can be at age appropriate levels. We will be incorporating bible story time and coloring in the upstairs room for the toddlers who are ready for that.