Weekly services and the gospel of john

Fall is all about beginnings. School starts, football starts, and for us in Seattle the rain is about to start. Hopefully the rain holds off a little longer and the Hawks have a better week! Let’s keep praying. For us as a church, this past Sunday marked a new beginning as we started our weekly gatherings. It was exciting to gather knowing that we will see each other each week. We also began a new series in the Gospel of John, called “Life in Christ.” John starts his gospel with “Beginning” language as well: “In the beginning was the word, the word was with God, and the word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:1-5.) Through this short passage we learn that Jesus (here called “the word”) was and is the Creator God revealed. John wants to make it clear that the God who made us, is the God who redeems us. Even though we walked away from him into darkness (Genesis 3), He has not walked away from us. That is good news! As we enter into this busy season of life, it might be good to remind ourselves of this truth. While much of life requires striving, our salvation is one area we need not strive. God has done the work of reaching out to us even in our brokenness. Our job is to receive him. How much energy would we save if we started our thoughts with this reality each day? This coming week we continue to dive into John’s prologue. There is so much in this book, for people all along the spectrum of faith and belief. We hope to see you on Sunday, and if you are wondering, this would be a great series to invite friends to, especially those who have questions about Jesus. Looking forward to our time together! – Pastor Jeff